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Saving Our Young Mothers

This is a Time for Celebration and Inspiraton!


It's time we inspire our young mothers through celebration.  The Healing Wombs Project does not in any way promote teen pregnancy or becoming a mother before marriage.  However, we do recognize this is a problem that has plagued our society for many years.  According to statistics our young mothers have a small chance of actually achieving stability to even support their families not to mention very few even have the chance to attend college after giving birth.  Many mothers suffer from guilt, humiliation and exhaustion which plays a big part in whether they will succeed or fail in life.  That's why we strive to heal the wombs of our young mothers through rebuilding their faith, love and motivation for life in hopes for a brighter tomorrow.  You can register to attend one of our upcoming events by clicking here - Fundraising Events.  All ticket sales will go directly to the Healing Wombs Project. 


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